MyPartnerForever is a dating site to help men from Australia to find a bride from Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Russia or Ukraine.
Marriage agency and matchmaking service to meet single Russian women who are looking for a life partner from abroad.
Meet Stunning Belarusian Girl Viktoriya from Grodno, Belarus
Dating with Gorgeous Ukrainian Woman Alena from Odessa, Ukraine
Pretty Bride from Belarus - Tamara from Grodno, Belarus
Online Dating with Pretty Ukrainian Girl Anzhelika from Kiev, Ukraine
Dating Site to Meet Gorgeous Ukrainian Girl Ekaterina from Kharkov, Ukraine
Beautiful Woman from Ukraine - Yuliya from Kharkov, Ukraine
Beautiful Belarusian Woman Anna from Grodno, Belarus
Dating with Beautiful Belarusian Lady Nataliya from Grodno, Belarus
Matchmaking Service to Meet Oksana from Kiev, Ukraine
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Beginning a new relationship always contains many obstacles and traps along the way. Especially in a doubting, changeable world. It is important to have friends and guidance on any such journey. Of course a journey of love is no different. I have found my one true love. The woman I will make my life`s stand with. It was thru the website we met. However, it was with the ongoing warm and continual care of the founders, Yuliya and Alain, and their associate agency in Grodno, Belarus (Maya), I was guided to a completion and culmination of our romance. Without their consistent help the process would have been greatly prolonged or floundered amongst the roadblocks of doubt, uncertainty, as well as the great physical and cultural distances. However, thanks to divine blessings and the help of Yuliya and Alain, and Maya, I am now in love and officially engaged to my love and so very excited at the prospects of future life together. I believe I have found not only my bride, but new friends, for life. Sincerely, Mark
Dear Alain and Yuliya! As you are both very great for the work you do and the sacredness of love you have brought forth. May you both be blessed by God. You will always be in my prayers. And you must come and dance at our wedding in September!!! Vey, very sincerely a happy, thankful Conny!
Alain, You will get a book of thank you letters soon as I found the one in a million for me in Grodno. Just returned from my 2nd trip in two months I think and I am very exstatic in saying that I am engaged to the finest girl for me in the world without a doubt. Not only in beauty but all those little descriptive phrases like my best friend, soul mate, 110% chemically attracted, I am out of words as they dont describe her well enough. I love that place Grodno, and of course, Maya always looks after me there. Anything is really appreciated, you are a god in my eyes right now. Last thing I have to tell you. In less than one day with Svetlana, I felt more comfortable, relaxed, just really happy than compared to even years of any other woman I have ever met, and I am not just saying thiese things. What a friendly, good hearted, morally supreme group of people. Thanks for your recommendation about Grodno. Joe W., Houston
Alain and Yuliya, I want to first thank you for your service. In an industry full of fraud and poor service, your company stands heads above all others I had researched before joining. Sincerely, George, USA
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Meet Single Russian Women Seeking a Life Partner
Marriage Agency Featuring Beautiful Girls from Russia and Ukraine

Dating with Pretty Ukrainian Girl Elena from Kiev, Ukraine

MyPartnerForever is a dating site that offers to men from Australia a true opportunity to meet single Russian women who are looking for a life partner from abroad. We work with the best marriage agencies located in Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and the Ukraine. Our agency owners are experienced matchmakers who take pride in finding suitable husbands for their single ladies. They offer an excellent matchmaking service aimed at creating long lasting relationships between their girls and serious men from Australia and other regions of the world.

Eastern European women have the reputation to be excellent wives and charming brides who still believe in the traditional family values. It is not a secret that a great number of men from Australia and other countries “of the west” have more and more difficulty to find a life partner who shares their view of the family, within their own country. In a similar way, a great number of single Russian and Ukrainian women also have difficulty to find locally a life partner who shares their view of the family. It is not surprising that thousands of men from Australia and other regions of the world are attracted by these gorgeous women and decide to take steps at finding themselves a beautiful Russian bride.

Why Travel to Russia or the Ukraine to find a Bride?
What are the Qualities that Russian Girls Possess?

It is a fact that each year, thousands of men from different countries travel to Russia and the Ukraine to find their bride. Many reasons explain this phenomenon and, in our opinion, the main reasons are that they are generally quite beautiful looking, not to say gorgeous, and that the possess the traditional family values that many men from Australia, and other countries, have great difficulty to find in the single women of their own country.

Despite that most single men find their life partner within their own country, it remains a fact that many of them don’t have this luck. As we all know, life is not eternal and as the years go by while remaining single, loneliness becomes more and more present. This is when the idea of looking for a wife in another region of the world takes place. Of course, many regions offer this possibility but Russia and the Ukraine remains privileged countries for this purpose.

Why such Pretty Girls Cannot Find their Life Partner?
What Makes them Look for a Life Partner from Abroad?

Browsing the numerous sites offering the possibility to meet single girls from Russia and the Ukraine, a question arises: how is it possible that such beautiful looking girls cannot find a life partner within their own country? One of the reasons is that they are in a very similar situation as many men from countries of the west are in: they cannot find, within their own country, a life partner who wishes to share a serious relationship that is based on family life. One of the factors contributing to this situation is the demographic imbalance. According to the 2002 Russian census, Russia and former USSR countries were composed of a population that had 10 million more women than men. Thus, it is easy to understand that many women from these countries will never find their life partner within their own country.

Just as many men from Australia and other countries do, many Russian women and Ukrainian women take the decision to broaden their search of a life partner to different regions of the world. Generally speaking, and to our best knowledge, they are not looking for a particular country to move to: they are looking for a good man with who they will build a long lasting relationship leading to marriage and a healthy family life. Of course, to leave their country, family, friends and job is a big decision to take and it is normal that they wish to emigrate with a decent man living in a country with good life standards. It is frequent to see Russian women being part of couples living in Australia, Western Europe, North America and many other countries that offer a decent standard of living.

If you have doubts about the real possibility to meet your soul mate in Russia or the Ukraine with the help of the Internet and a dating site, let us reassure you that thousands of men and women succeed at doing so each year. And, we are part of these lucky people. To find out how it happened for us, keep reading here below!

Meet Single Russian Women Find a Beautiful Russian Bride

I am Alain Lalonde, a Canadian citizen, living in the Montreal area. Following a divorce, I relied on destiny to find a life partner. The years went by and I remained alone. I then decided to help destiny and registered on a local dating site. I was amazed to see the number of people seeking their soul mate through the Internet and a dating site. However, again, years went by and despite many meetings, I could not find a woman who shared my views of the family and who was looking to invest herself in a relationship based on family.

I then took the decision to broaden my horizons in the search of a life partner and registered on an international dating site. Again, I was amazed to see, not only the number of women using these sites, but the number of sites offering these services. The next step was to decide in which region of the world I would seek my life partner. I made my choice on countries of Eastern Europe. The task was then to choose which site, among dozens, that would give me the best service. After many hours, actually days, of analysing and comparing, I chose a site and introduce myself to several Russian women with who a match was possible.

In a similar way, Yuliya (my actual wife), citizen of Belarus and living in Grodno, was in a very similar situation. Despite that she was quite pretty and that she offered many qualities that are very important (family values etc.), she could not find her life partner locally simply relying on destiny. Without access to Internet from her home and not too warm on the idea of joining a dating site to begin with, she decided to register with a local marriage agency.

Having helped it in each our own way, destiny sure rewarded us. She liked my first letter and I liked hers as well. We then exchanged several letters and got to know each other while discussing about our expectations of life in general, about our expectations of a life partner etc. The time came where we both felt that the next step was to meet in person. Our first meeting took place in her hometown, Grodno, and it turned out to be a very nice meeting. We kept meeting everyday while I was there and after each meeting, we both knew that we were on a good track. After I returned home, we kept contact on a daily basis, by emails and Skype. A few months later, we met again, only this time; it was on a beach in Cuba. Again, we enjoyed each other’s company and decided to get married. The next month, we celebrated our wedding and within a few more months, Yuliya moved with me in Canada.

Sure, our story may sound too perfect and coming out of fairy tale …but, it isn’t so and it is really how it happened. Our story is true and each year, thousands of other men and women live similar situations. We sincerely believe that any decent and serious man who wish to find a charming Russian bride can succeed.

Russian Women Offer an Unconditional Love
And Keep Their Husband and Family the Top Priority

Russian women are known to love their husband with an unconditional love. Of course, as any contemporary women, they expect to be respected in all meanings of the word. What distinguishes them is the fact that when they engage in a relationship, their love is not depending so much on factors such as material goods, the frequency of traveling etc. As long as they feel true love from their husband, they will keep loving him, regardless of external factors. Generally speaking, women from Russia and the Ukraine have kept the traditional family values and consider their husband and family as the most precious of life.

Moreover, they adapt well to different cultures and traditions. They can also be very wise business women and develop their personal career. However, they distinguish themselves by the fact that the career is not the top priority, preferring to devote themselves to their couple and family. Despite that a Russian woman may have all the qualifications to make a good living; if her husband earns enough to provide for the family, she won’t feel the need to have her own income and financial independency. They are also known to be excellent housewives and great cooks.

Beautiful Russian Women

Meet Russian Women Looking for Love and Their Soulmate
Excellent Marriage Agency Services in Russia and the Ukraine

Our dating site and its services can help you to meet single Russian women who are looking for a good man to share love and romance. Because of the obvious lack of available men to marry in their own country, thousands of Russian and Ukrainian women register with their local marriage agency in order to broaden their search of a life partner. They can then get in contact with men from different regions of the world who are also seeking abroad for a life partner with family values.

Their local agency offers them a wide range of services including the use of their computers, to meet their correspondent on Skype, the services of interpreter etc. These services are free for them to use. The marriage agency also offers a wide range of services for men who are planning to meet their correspondent. These services include airport pick-up and drop-off, lodging in furnished and conveniently located apartments, taxi services etc.

Each year, thousands of men travel to Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and the Ukraine to meet single women who are looking for a life partner from Australia and other regions of the world. At the same time, each year, thousands of Russian girls leave their country to join their husband in different countries. You are attracted by these beautiful Russian girls? Why not try your luck? Who knows, one of these charming ladies may someday be your loving bride!

We wish you the best of luck in love,

Alain and Yuliya



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